Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Daily Five- The [Right] Choice

I have been using the Daily Five in my room for quite a few years now, and  I still love it.  I love the sense of ownership it fosters for the students.  It's a great day when you see a 6 year old take charge of his own learning by making choices during Daily Five that will help him work on specific literacy goals (many of which he set for himself- yay).  Over the years I have found that my classes seem to be made up like this:
80%: I got this, Mrs. Mahar!  I'll make smart Daily Five choices for life!
10%: Help me a little bit, Mrs. Mahar and I'll learn to make smart Daily Five choices for life!
10%: Daily what now?   Never mind, I'm just going to go draw puppies in my notebook!

It's that last 10% that has haunted me year after year, and that's why I came up with these guys...

I plan on hanging these near my Work on Writing and Word Work stations as a way of guaranteeing that all kids will at least do something academic during these two Daily Five choices.  I'm thinking something quick and dirty here; something that they can complete in 2 or 3 minutes and then move on to the activity of their choosing.  I've got a few ideas, but this is where you come in...

What would you write on these lines?  Give me some ideas for "need to" activities, and I'll give you a set of these posters.  While you're at it, tell me what your favorite thing about the Daily Five is!  How have you made it work in your room?

Have a great day!

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” 
― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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